All certified anti-terrorism specialists will adhere to the highest standards of the anti-terrorism profession as promulgated by the anti-terrorism accreditation board. All certified anti-terrorism specialist will exemplify these high moral and ethical standards in the ordinary performance of assigned duties as an anti-terrorism professional.
The anti-terrorism accreditation board hereby sets forth the following standards to be adhered to by Certified anti-terrorism specialists...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall, at all times, conduct themselves in a professional manner which demonstrates dedication and diligence to assigned anti-terrorism duties...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall not engage in any illegal or unethical conduct, or any activity which would compromise or endanger anti-terrorism endeavors...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall, at all times exhibit the highest level of integrity in the performance of their assigned duties, and complete all assignments in a competent manner...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall only comply with lawful orders and will do so without bias or prejudice...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall not reveal any confidential information obtained during the performance of anti-terrorism assignments...
A certified anti-terrorism specialist shall continually strive to increase the competence and effectiveness of the services rendered by certified anti-terrorism specialists...
These standards are set forth as a guide for certified anti-terrorism specialists to further themselves and the anti-terrorism profession in detecting, deterring, combating and responding to terrorism.
Privacy Policy
This policy applies to information collected by and / or supplied by the members of ATAB to ATAB.
It is the intent of ATAB to keep all personal information confidential, and only provided and / or share collected and / or supplied information within the organizational structure of ATAB. The organizational structure shall include the Board of Directors of ATAB, the Advisory Board or ATAB, the Officers of ATAB, the employees of ATAB and members of ATAB.
This policy shall also apply to other pertinent information collected by ATAB and / or supplied by the members of ATAB to ATAB. Other pertinent information shall include intelligence information regarding past, present and / or future anti-terrorism events, ATAB anit-terrorism training, ATAB referral lists, ATAB job postings, ATAB alerts and ATAB anti-terrorism reference materials.
However, ATAB reserves the right to use any and all information as ATAB deems appropriate, but under no circumstances will ATAB release any personal information on any member of ATAB without the specific written consent of the individual member or unless ATAB deems the release necessary to further the business goals of ATAB.
Should at anytime a breach of this policy be detected, the member should contact ATAB as soon as possible. And, if ATAB detects a breach of this policy, ATAB will take the necessary measures to minimize the breach and ensure future compliance with ATAB’s privacy policy.