The ATAB Certified COVID Contact Tracing Specialist (CCCTS) program begins by covering the CDC Training guidelines as the entry into this program. The basic CDC program is designed for following up with those exposed to COVID and provide you with information that you can pass on to these individuals addressing the infectious disease.
Attendees will be provided the information necessary to protect themselves in the performance of their position as contact tracers. Instruction in how the disease is transmitted from person to person and the effectiveness of contact tracing in the furtherance of public health and safety through intervention.
Instruction in methods to gain the trust of the contact individual and or others who may have been exposed at the location. You will be instructed in proven methods in identifying their contacts in order to reduce or stop the transmission of the disease within their network of family, friends, and associates.
ATAB Advanced Tracing Skills
There are two types of Contact Tracing. There is the Contract Tracing carried out by social workers and Uber drivers to make extra money and their is the Professional Contract Tracing that is utilized when someone is a risk or threat to public health. In December 2019 two individuals were detained at the Mexican border who tested positive for Eboli. In these cases locating and isolating those infectious individuals couple prove the difference in an event or a national crisis.
The ATAB program advances in areas that the other courses do not. First, as Security, law enforcement, and military, we have a different skill set as well as a different requirement for our tracking and tracing.
ATAB’s CCCTS course addresses the various methods to investigate who an infected person is and who they have been in contact with. Students will be instructed in forensic investigations of Social Media, Facial Recognition, and Internet Photograph location investigations.
Electronic and Cellular Tracing is also addressed to provide attendees with information on methods of location, electronic tracking, and monitoring of infectious individuals. This training is designed to expose the various methods utilized by governments to track, authenticate and locate individuals utilizing surveillance methods and techniques normally not known to the general.
Various technology and prevention methods as well as design techniques for businesses and medical facilities will be addressed to advise you in methods to better assist your clients or employer in identifying infected or exposed individuals to assist in isolating those who have been exposed to an infectious disease.
Qualifying for Training
Due to the sensitivity of this training it will not be available to the public.
Attendees will have to apply and be approved to receive this training.
While some of the basic training may be completed online the advanced portion of this course must be completed in a classroom setting with hands on instruction.