ATAB CAS Curriculum
Anti-terrorism Accreditation Board (ATAB) training programs are designed to be completed in blocks of training and follow a specific sequence. The fundamental program, the Certified Anti-terrorism Specialist (CAS) designation, is a comprehensive security management training program that provides basic and intermediary information on a working level for security practitioners.
- Ch 1 Terrorism in Perspective
Ch 2 Incidents & Indicators
Ch 3 Self Protection in a Hot Zone
Ch 4 Scene Control
Ch 5 Notification and Coordination
Ch 6 Hostage/Crisis Negotiations
Ch 7 Cyber Terrorism Deployment
Ch 8 Terrorism Response Plan
Ch 9 IT Security while Traveling
Ch 10 How Terrorist Choose their Victims
Ch 11 Emergency Response to Terrorism (Ops)
Ch 12 Emergency Response to Terrorism (CBRNE)
Ch 13 Preserving Evidence at a Terrorist Incident
Ch 14 Being Held Hostage and Surviving
Ch 15 Stress Management After the Incident
Ch 16 Agraterrorism
Ch 17 Sea Port Security
Ch 18 Aviation Security
Ch 19 Computer Forensics in Corp Investigations
Ch 20 Energy Facilities: Protecting them from Terrorism
Ch 21 Responding to a Cyber Attack
Ch 22 Securing a High Risk Facility
Ch 23 Managing a Protective Detail
Ch 24 Establishing a Computer Forensics' Program
Ch 25 Healthcare Readiness for CBRNE Terrorist Events
Ch 26 Road side Bombs and Vehicle Born IED's
Ch 27 WiFi in combating Terrorism and Crime
Ch 28 Disaster in the Data Center
Ch 29 EP Principals
Ch 30 Managing a TSCM Detail
Ch 31 Al Qaeda Training Tactics
Ch 32 Islamic Background Information
Ch 33 Islamic Extremist
Ch 34 Understanding Jihad
Ch 35 Mindset and Methods of Terrorist
Ch 36 Jihad Recruiting & the al Qaeda Network
Ch 37 Combating 21st Century Terrorism
Ch 38 Suspicious Activities
Ch 39 Counter Surveillance
Ch 40 Travel Safety
Ch 41 Workplace Violence
Ch 42 Ebola Avoiding the Virus
Ch 43 FATCA Compliance
Ch 44 School Shootings Active Shooter
Ch 45 Rape on Campus
- Ch 46 Preparing for an Earthquake
Ch 47 School Security and Acts of Terrorism
Ch 48 School Crisis Management
Ch 49 Islamic Extremist
- Ch 50 Victim Proofing
- Ch 51 Advanced Victim Proofing
- Ch 52 Syria, Turkey and Iraq
- Ch 53 Planning for a Pandemic